
A New Island On River Tisza – Happy or Not?

The island

It has been reported in the local media that “A new island of almost 8000 sqm was born out of thin air” at Cibakháza. We know that the size of the island keeps on changing with the changes of the river’s water level, so the new island keeps on growing.

The website of the municipality informed locals that their flag was put on the island to declare it the territory of Cibakháza. With this act, the rules, which were confirmed by a public vote for the river, came into force: everyone is obliged to take away their garbage generated and the island as well as the path leading to it were cleared of litter.

More about the phenomenon

The European Drought Observatory reported in April already that severe droughts have been affecting large areas, such as Po and Danube basin already. Dry conditions in the latter were related to a severe lack of precipitation in the first quarter of the year. Apart from a short rainy period in May, the drought continued ever since.

European authorities warn that “The severe precipitation deficit is already posing a threat to water resources and livestock, while heavy impacts on crops and reservoir storage are expected if the drought conditions persist.”

Scientists now assess the risk and impact, if there’s a possible evolution of the ongoing drought into an extreme event.

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